Have you recently taken the decision to home educate your child? Perhaps you have deregistered from school, decided to remove your child from secondary, or you are planning to home educate your 4 year old from the start.
Whatever your journey so far, we welcome you to come along to our volunteer-run hub, where you can meet other local, long-term experienced home educators. We run monthly informal and welcoming meet ups for parents to learn more about all aspects of home education. Sessions begin with hot drinks and biscuits, followed by a short presentation, real stories of home ed life and a chance to talk to other families and ask all the questions you may have.
Wessex is lucky enough to have a vibrant and welcoming community, and we invite you to come along to hear about:
*home ed in our area - meet your local community
*discover opportunities for clubs, trips and tuition
*what to expect when home educating in the first few months
*chances for you to meet other parents with similar experiences
*build friendships for you and your child
There will also be plenty of time to ask questions about your particular circumstances, and to gain reassurance and confidence in your decision to come to the wonderful world of home ed!
Tickets are £20 per family, bookable in advance by emailing info@broadleaf.org.uk
We look forward to meeting you soon!